Speak Up

Thank you to everyone that contributed their visions, opinions and ideas.  We are now in the process of turning all of those great ideas into implementable recommendations. 

As part of Lakeview Area Master Planning process we engaged Lakeview residents and regular shoppers in all kinds of events, activities and outreach to find out how they want to see their community develop.


We had a great response to our shopper survey.  316 users of the district completed the survey.  Nearly three quarters of the respondents live within a half mile of Southport, Lincoln or Belmont.
Everyone that completed should have been handed or sent a VIP discount card to local businesses.  Check the blog for this month's discounts.


Best Business Promotional Picture: Really Boring, Golden Apple
Best Postcard Picture of Lakeview: Paul J Solomon, Music Box on Southport
All the entries, including the winners can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/thisislakeviewcontest/


Winner: Stephanie, Lakeview High School
We received some great stories, thanks to everyone that participated.  Participants were asked to submit a story that could be fantastical or a true account, but should talk about a specific tree, its location, and mention two real and interesting things about the businesses located around the tree. The contest aimed to enhance our connection to the neighborhood's public space and business through nature and landscaping.


Winner: Team Go-Getters
The scavenger hunt was a great success.  Participants started by doing a really fun (and very informative for us) mapping exercise to test how well they knew their own community.  You can see that here.  The scavenger hunt was close but Team Go-Getters got one more right than the other teams.  You can test how well you know your neighborhood on your own too.  The scavenger hunt questions can be found here.
